Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dawson Church and EFT


Mel said...


Once again, THANK YOU THANK YOU! I really needed that! So simply, and soothingly demonstrated... and my number dropped, too! (Does it matter which side you tap on with regard to the different spots? Should I do both sides?)



Noreen Barron said...

You're so welcome Circe, I'm so glad you found relief!! Dawson explains it really nicely. His book The Genie in your Genes is brilliant by the way.

It doesn't matter which side you tap on, whatever feels comfortable and depending on which hand gets tired first! You can tap on both sides too if you like, for example the eyebrow points, under eye, side of eye and collar bone. All of these points are bilateral and tapping both at the same time perhaps gives relief more quickly. I usually tap these points with both hands and then the lip and chin with one as there is only one point there.
