Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Has being trauma informed gone out the window when it comes to masks?⁣

There are many people who cannot wear masks. Covering their mouth and nose triggers and retraumatises them. I don't think I need to go into the details as to why this can happen.⁣

There is also the fact that many people cannot breathe well with masks on, whether this is because of physical issues like asthma, or mental health issues like PTSD. They are all valid reasons not to wear a mask. Please watch the latest video by barrister Tracey O'Mahony on ridiculing the disabled. It is illegal in Ireland to discriminate against anyone who cannot wear a mask. Know that you can legally exempt yourself, check out Tracey's video here on how to do that.

I also believe that people who do not want to wear masks have that right. Masks are a medical intervention and there should always be choice whether to consent to, or decline, any medical intervention, in any decent and democratic society.⁣

"The" science is not settled on this matter because there is no such thing as "the" science. That implies consensus, and there is no consensus or agreement on whether masks work. Let's be honest, any science that goes against the one accepted narrative is disparaged and censored. Censorship is always part and parcel of any tyranny.⁣

What has really shocked me is the shaming, criticising, bullying, ridiculing, emotional blackmailing and manipulating of people who do not wear masks and calling them "anti-maskers". People have been refused service in shops etc for not wearing masks when they have exemptions. This has happened to me and it was extremely upsetting. This is illegal under Disability and Equality Acts in many countries, and people are taking cases. ⁣

https://disabilityrights.org.uk write that "The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has written to supermarkets warning them that they should not be discriminating against disabled people unable to wear face covering". You can also contact the EHCR with any complaint.⁣

I have seen and heard people in the mental health field express disdain for those who don't wear masks because they say they are not protecting others. Without any empathy or understanding as to why people don't/can't wear masks. How on earth is this a trauma informed approach?

It really beggars belief. It is adding to the abuse and gaslighting that is making people question themselves and their sanity.

For the first 4-5 months of the pandemic, we were told not to wear masks, then they were mandated in many countries. This constant changing of goalposts has been employed many times during the last year and it is a typical abusive tactic. The goalposts will never be reached, no matter what you do.  The most obvious example being "This is the new normal until a vaccine arrives". The vaccine has arrived and yet because they only treat symptoms, do not confer immunity and do not prevent transmission, so lockdowns, masks and social distancing etc. have to continue.







Huldr said...

I wholeheartedly agree. My ME/CFS exhaustion gets worse when I wear a mask, and I get headaches and brain fog. I try to avoid using it, which means I don't take public transportation at all, rarely go to shops etc. It's exhausting to be seen like bad or wrong for not wearing a mask. So I wear the thinnest cloth masks, I have cut away the layers so there's only one. It's a nigthmare with these moving goalposts. Now in Oslo, Norway where I live they asked people who was going on winter holiday to get tested. So many more people got tested than usual and then of course the rate went up. Then there's a big commotion amongst the politicians and bureaucrats about how the rate is seemingly increasing … Where's the logic?

Noreen Barron said...

Thanks for your comment. There's no logic or science to any of this, even though they keep quoting the "science". But it is bought "science", with massive conflicts of interests and extremely questionable "goals". There also has been no risk assessments done on masks which is disgraceful. Many children in secondary schools are developing allergic asthma, headaches, not to mention the horrific psychological effects. They tried to bring in masks for primary school children when they went back to school at the start of March after being off for 3 months and I was delighted to see parents fighting back. At last. No child under the age of 13 has to wear a mask. I believe no one should have to, if they choose to, that is their right. But mandating or forcing any medical procedure does not belong anywhere except in fascist dictatorships, totalitarian states or Nazi Germany. We are seeing yet again, the cost of unresolved trauma all over again.