Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Energy evolution

The physical act of allowing energy to move in, through and out of our energy systems is from Emotrance. If we can allow that natural action to take place, the movement of the energy itself, in, through and out of our system, nourishes us. It makes us stronger, more resilient, calm, peaceful, joyous and brighter.

Just imagine allowing all incoming energies to move into your energy system, through you and then to be able to let them go? Not judging the energies, not criticising them, not being shamed for having the energy of anger or guilt in your system for instance, which of course is what will stop it in its tracks. All the ways the natural movement of energy is impeded, which can become lifetime patterns of how we deal with energies we've learned are "bad" or "negative" or "shameful".

Infinity Blue by Vlad Gerasimov

Being able to handle energies in all their forms is the next step in our evolution I think. We won't create shields for the energies we can't handle and therefore starve our energy systems of those energies, and we'll be able to allow energy to move once it is in our systems, so no blockages occur. Having the skill to allow energy to move, in, through and out is a huge resource. Everyone can learn how to do this, I think it's what we are designed to be able to do, and to do it naturally and easily.

Our energy affects everything, our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. As long as energy is moving as it is designed to do, we have health. Imagine all of our energies free flowing, not getting stuck or trapped and manifesting in physical or mental dis-ease?


Anonymous said...

I really, really love your positive approach to every thing noreen. it makes me a little more positive :)

lots of love

Noreen Barron said...

Aw thank you Trisha! That means a lot and your support does too :-)

Lots of love
Noreen x

Anonymous said...

have a beautiful week ahead.

lots of love

Noreen Barron said...

You too Trisha :-)