Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Kindness and Serotonin

When you
carry out acts
of kindness
you get
a wonderful feeling
It is as though
something inside
your body
and says, Yes,
this is how
I ought to feel

~ Rabbi Harold Kushner

This includes being kind to yourself. Being kind to you and others is very important, it has even been shown to increase levels of serotonin which helps with anxiety and depression and keeps our gut healthy, which is where over 80% of our immunity lies. Being kind involves listening, paying attention, not judging, being gentle ... Give the gift of kindness to yourself, when your body is sending you messages; listen with as much kindness as you can muster. It's a great act of kindness towards yourself and others.

If you find it difficult to be kind, particularly to yourself, tap on:

Even though I find it difficult to be kind to me, I deeply and completely love and accept myself ANYWAY

Even though I don't deserve kindness, I deeply and completely love and accept myself ANYWAY

Even though I am not worth kindness, I deeply and completely love and accept myself ANYWAY

More on EFT here