The thymus is a gland found in the upper chest, behind the sternum. Its medical importance is in relation to its function in the immune system and the maturation of T cells there.
From an EFT point of view, tapping the thymus helps improve immune function and it also helps in the alleviation of stress (a big immune system depressor). Tapping the thymus area first thing in the morning to kick start your immune system is a great habit to get into.
I have heard some lovely things about the thymus in the last few days that I would like to share with you. I was listening to Dr Carol Robin's "Profound Paths to Health, Healing and Happiness" www.GuidedCds.com, and she was talking to a man named Andrew Ramer. He said something very interesting; that the thymus was a chakra. I never knew this. It is located between the heart and throat chakra and he referred to it as the "higher heart chakra" which I thought was a beautiful description. Another good reason to tap on it!
I was also listening to the "Big Book of You" teleseminar with Jennifer Mc Lean, www.healingrelease.com and a person on the call referred to the thymus as the "I am" point, a point through which we can embrace our heart, which again I thought lovely. Notice any theme or coincidence here?! I think the "I am" thymus point is directly related to what Andrew Ramer was saying about the thymus chakra being the "higher" heart. The essence of who we are. The word am has the sound "aahh" in it, which is the sound of God. Make a habit and ritual of tapping on your thymus every day.
As we learn more about Energy Healing we begin to understand that what has been written and passed down is not everything there is to know.
Most concentration has been on the physical side hence the 7 major Chakras however there are literally thousands of small Chakras within our bodies.
Yet the most important Energy Field is our Aura because our Soul is located within our Aura
With Love for I Love You
Ian Stone – Metaphysician & Founder of HEART Energy Healing System,
Human Energy Assessment Release Treatments
Metaphysical Institute
Metaphysical Institute Blog
Thank you Ian for that lovely comment, it is so true. I'm learning all the time.
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