Even though I can't stomach what's going on/went on (detail it and be specific) I completely accept how I feel about this
Even though it's all stuck and I just can't seem to let it go, I love and accept myself anyway
Even though I just can't take it in, it sticks in my gullet, I love and accept myself
TH I can't take it
EB It's too much
SE To feel
UE Or understand
UN Or accept
UC It's stuck (are you getting any emotional/physical signs, such as indigestion or repressed rage?)
CB I wish it would just go away
UA But I can't make it!!
TH It's really hard to accept …
EB I don't see how I can
SE It's just not fair!
UE It's easy to accept that it wasn't fair
UN I can sort of accept how I feel about that
UC Though I don't know what to do about it
CB That's why I feel stuck
UA And angry!
TH I'd love to let all of this go
EB But I just don't know how
SE I can breathe
UE And tap
UN And become aware
UC Of how I'm feeling
CB What I'm experiencing
UA And stop denying it in all the ways that I do
TH So I can feel it
EB And take it in
SE And digest it
UE And let go of what I don't want or need
UN I can trust myself to know what to keep and what to let go of
UC Because I know
CB I just need to listen
UA To how I feel
To be free, you must find a way to let go of all the stuck energy that keeps sending out the same old messages ~ Deepak Chopra